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Angie White Nutrition Logo

Health and Nutrition Coaching

Welcome! I’m so happy you are here.


What is health and nutrition coaching? Why does someone hire a certified holistic health coach?


I believe that health and wellness are processes that are dynamic and always evolving. True health is priceless and can be illusive in our modern world. Having a strategy to accomplish a goal of sturdy, resilient health is important. This strategy needs to meet you exactly where you are and it needs to change as you change.


Holistic health coaching helps you build a simple yet profound foundation of wellness that will give you the tools and understanding to improve your health now and for the rest of your life. You will learn how to tap into your body's own wisdom and take care of yourself and those you love in meaningful ways. Whether you are dealing with specific health issues or simply do not feel as good as you could, health and wellness coaching provides the support you need.

work one-on-one with people who are ready to improve their health and their quality of life.


Our areas of focus will include:

-You as an individual

-Food and nutrition

-Lifestyle and ALL that involves

As a holistic health coach I help busy professionals, parents, and families be well and feel better through the implementation of simple, personalized everyday habits. 

Looking for support, tools, and accountability? Interested in working together or learning more about how coaching works?

Start the conversation here!

Sign up for a 60 minute complimentary call or simply request more information.

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