A common question this time of year. Many of us have a long list of ALL THE THINGS. Well, at least my daughter does. My teenage son just wants cash. :)
New technology, books, gadgets, gear. That treadmill so that you can FINALLY start exercising.
All of these things are great! Things can be fun and things can help us accomplish our goals; live the lives we desire.
But what do you really want? Deep Down.
Not what everyone else wants. Not what you think you should want. What do YOU want?
Do you know? Can you hear the whispering? The nudges? Maybe this isn’t something you have listened to in a while. This might take time and patience. Keep tuning in. Be curious. Be committed.
Freedom with your time? Peace? Ease? More fun in your day to day? Connection?
And most importantly, WHY?
Do not skip this step. You must identify your why. Your why helps you recommit every single day to whatever you are striving for. A necessary component to accomplishing anything.
I work with a lot of people over the age of 40 and many have kids. When we delve into why, their kids are always at the top of that list. Of course. Mine are too.
But do we really want to just be here? Overwhelmed, stressed, and distracted…but here.
While being here DOES matter, when we push, there is more behind that why.
My clients want to show up fully and EXPERIENCE life with their kids, friends, those closest to them.
They want to be an example of what is possible.
Let’s keep pushing though. What else?
They want to fully experience themselves.
As whole. Complete. Strong. Happy. Capable. Resourceful.
Able to face WHATEVER comes their way.
And when we step into this way of being, it creates a ripple effect. For our kids, our loved ones, and stay with me here…the world. I truly believe this.
So I encourage you to take some moments this holiday season to contemplate, what do you really want? Why? Keep asking. What else?
Be ruthlessly honest here.
How would your days, your life be different? How would you be different?
Hold your deepest desires close. What is one small thing you can do today to move yourself in this direction? Can you do it again tomorrow?
The more we listen to, acknowledge, and value ourselves, the more our inner worlds and our outer worlds come into alignment. THIS is when we fully experience our beautiful, imperfect, nuanced, messy, authentic, human selves.
If you would like support in this process, schedule an initial complimentary consultation with me today——or pass this offer on to someone you care about! You don’t have to do it alone.
With Love,